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Welcome to the Liberato Portal

Dance as a source of wellbeing through online courses, workshops, private classes, retreats, books and articles.

Liberato Method

Experience Xandy Liberato's dance training method.


Concentrated study.

Zouk Training

Classes tailored just for Zouk.


Improve all aspects of yourself, not just dance.

Benefits of The Liberato Method

Recorded Classes

Increased body awareness

Increased self-confidence and confidence towards others

More empathetic communication

More conscious relationships

Listening development


Sensitivity development

Increased enjoyment ability

Experiences of freedom

Changes in the way of dancing and living

Increased social abilities

Change of mindset


Our Retreat

Our Next Events


The retreat completely changed my life and my vision of the world. Now I feel so much silence and love. And I feel free in dance. My creativity and flow woke up. Thank you all!

Retreat participant

Me siento muy conmovida por las personas increíbles que forman parte del personal, todo el mundo. Me sentí SEGURA y eso significa mucho para mí.


The retreat was a transformation point in my life. I feel like I am awake, refreshed, inspired, and filled with emotion. Thank you for the beautiful experience.

Retreat Participant

Sinto-me como se as portas que não sabia que existiam tivessem se aberto. Ainda não sei bem o que isso significa, mas sinto que a minha vida mudou para melhor. Este foi um evento que mudou a minha vida, e não tenho palavras para dizer o quanto sou grato por ter feito parte disso. Obrigado!
